Welcome to the yard on the left. A place to contemplate, relax, and rant on the right.


Irises springing up

After a fun "Guest Plant Week, we're back to the residents in the LipsYard. Out front we find the Siberian Iris (Iris sibirica) springing up to dazzle us.

The color is very intense with the purple flowers on the dark green shafts.

Our clump of Irises reminds me of the clump of faux pas springing from John McCain, the presumptive Republican Presidential candidate. Here's the latest:

John McCain: "Sen. Obama says that I'm running for a Bush's third terms. It seems to me he's running for Jimmy Carter's second. (LAUGHTER) "

Let's look at the latest poll (2007)
President Jimmy Carter Approve: 57 Disapprove: 34
George W. Bush Approve: 41 Disapprove: 59
Carter, in fact, is more popular than Bush Sr. or Bill Clinton. And that was a year ago, with a much more "popular" Bush than today. Now, he's mired in the 20s.

And what is with McCain and always looking back to the last century?

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