Welcome to the yard on the left. A place to contemplate, relax, and rant on the right.


A Whale of a Time off Old Cape Cod

Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae)

Once again we saw these giants of the sea on our annual end-of-summer outing to the liberal Massachusetts coast. Here we see a mother, her calf, and an 'escort' who watches the child while mom dives for food. Entanglements in fishing nets have long been a hazard for the Humpbacks, and Japan, Norway, and Iceland actually continue to hunt these endangered behemoths. New the list of shame, the United States Navy, George W. Bush commander in chief, who are causing untold damage on whales, dolphins, and other marine life with new high-intensity sonar. Beached whales have been found bleeding from the eyes and ears, and lesions the size of golf balls in their organ tissue. Eventually, 80 percent of the ocean will be under the sonic bombardment of the new system.



Forbes.com reports that Milwaukee is America's Drunkest City. I'm no cultural psychologist, but I'm the only person quoted in the article, challenging the title, and the means used to determine it. It's a bum rap for the city I love.

Now if you're buying, I'll take a Captain and Diet.


TSA flight safety tip #7

Because of the current 'threat level,' you would do well to follow the example of the Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris) and tank up on fluids before you fly. Extra points for not wearing shoes at all!
hint: Don't permanently discard your liquid or gel toiletries, they'll be allowed again after the November elections.


Forget your troubles, c'mon get Happy

(Guernsey bos taurus)

The Middle-East, high gas prices, hot-button legislation, NSA domestic spying, are all put on the back burner for Dairy Day at Wisconsin State Fair. Milk as much as you can in 30 seconds. Lips gives it a go.

Fairest of the Fairs is next.

"These are bigger than bees'!" exclaims the Honey Queen.

Alice in Dairyland takes us all to school.

Earlier on Dairy Day, Alice didn't fare as well (neither did Lips) in the Creampuff eating contest.