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Shovel Smart

One of the more common causes of back injuries during the winter months is snow removal. Using the wrong body mechanics when shoveling snow can put undue stress on the spine and lead to muscle strains, falls, or more serious back injuries.
The following snow removal tips can help you to avoid low back injuries and pain during what's left of our snowy winter season.

Pick the right snow shovel. An ergonomic design can help take some of the effort out of your snow removal chores. A shovel with a curved handle or an adjustable handle length will minimize painful bending, requiring you to bend your knees only slightly and arch your back very slightly while keeping the shovel blade on the ground.

  • Warm up thoroughly. (does anybody really do this? Cold, tight muscles are more prone to injury than warmed up, flexible muscles.
  • Pace yourself, removing small amounts of snow frequently is less strenuous than removing a large pile at once.
  • Whenever possible, push the snow to one side rather than lifting it. When lifting the snow shovel is necessary, make sure to use ergonomic lifting techniques:
    Always face the object you intend to lift
    Bend at the hips, not the low back, and push the chest out
  • Bend your knees and lift with your leg muscles, keeping your back straight
    Grip the shovel with one hand as close to the blade as comfortably possible and the other hand on the handle
  • Avoid twisting the back to move your object to its new location – always pivot your whole body to face the new direction
  • Walk to the new location to deposit the item rather than reaching or tossing
  • When gripping the shovel, keep your hands about 12 inches apart to provide greater stability and minimize the chances of injuring your low back
    If possible, stop shoveling – use a snow blower instead
Now we're talking! When used correctly, a snow blower can put less stress on your low back than shoveling. Make sure to use the power of your legs to push the snow blower while keeping your back straight and knees bent.
For more you can go to spine-health.com

All of these shoveling techniques can also be used to dig through all the rhetoric in the Presidential candidate debates.

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