Welcome to the yard on the left. A place to contemplate, relax, and rant on the right.


A rosey carpet

In the center of the LipsYard garden we have a walkway. A few years ago Charmaine planted Moss Roses (Portulaca grandiflora) between the stones. They continue to self-seed...

and make a pleasant entrance to the vegetable area.

The rosey carpet blooms in four colors: orange, rose, yellow and white, and look nice with their neighbor, the Yarrow (Achillea spp.)

Swept under the rug was a CIA report in 2002 that concluded up to 1/3 of the detainees in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, might have been imprisoned by mistake. The Bush White House ignored the finding and insisted that all were "enemy combatants" subject to indefinite incarceration.

The CIA assessment directly challenged then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's claim that Gitmo detanees were the "Worst of the worst!"

Vice President Dick Chenney shrugged off the report and quashed proposals for a quick review on the basis that "The president has determined that they are ALL enemy combatants. We are not going to revisit it."

Meanwhile, down in Cuba, the top military commander at Guantanamo, Maj. Gen. Michael Dunlavey, not only agreed with the assessment but suggested that an even higher percentage of detentions, UP TO HALF, were in error.

This is all detailed in a new book, "The Dark Side," by Jane Mayer.

Time for a 'change' don't you think?

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