Welcome to the yard on the left. A place to contemplate, relax, and rant on the right.


Keep those frayed edges neat...

Nothing beats the look of a fresh trim. Keeping a sharp, straight edge between the grass (Festuca glauca) and other things like posts, stone walls, and gardens really adds some class. Similar to my Black and Decker, is Patrick J. Fitzgerald, Special Counsel, moving his whirling line of questioning along the edge between truth and the White House. Karl Rove escaped indictment (there's a resume builder) by a margin narrower than the bright orange .065in plastic line spinning at my fingertips.

Time to cleanse that palate with the magnificent Alium (Allium Brodiaea.)


It's not all doom and gloom...

Once I met a happy little Bluebird (Sialia sialis)
I soon learned his smart philosophy
On my Weber Grill
He began to trill
and this is what he had to say to me:
Just let a smile be your umbrella
on a rainy, rainy day.
And if your sweetie cries
just tell her that a smile will always pay.
Let the thunder crash
Let the rain come down
You'll never need to wear a frown
Let a smile be your umbrella all the while!
(with appologies to Dan Wilson)


Mow, Mow, Mow your Yard

The lawn (Festuca glauca) looks great! It's a pride and joy of home-ownership when your yard is weed-free, well manicured, and greeny-green. Unlike Scott Walker and Milwaukee County Parks, I mow my lawn before it gets 7 inches long.

Yes, I've had to put a little more money into the LipsYard this year because of rising gas prices, and I even bought a new Gator mulching blade for the ol' Honda.

A little more spent now, beats the huge cost it would take to bring a delapidated, weed infested, pest riddled lawn back to life later.



... brought death to our neck of the woods.
Was it the devil-spawn that drove this poor Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla) to fly at break neck speed into our four season room window? Or did the PCB's in the food supply allow it's little bird brain to receive too much right-wing talk radio? Perhaps it was flushed out by clear cutting in the old growth forests it calls home? RIP little friend.


Undocumented Aliens

Every year at this time, our yard is overrun by undocumented aliens looking for a free handout. Here's one now (Oryctolagus cuniculus.)

We tire of losing valuable assets like lettuce (Lactuca sativa,) spinach (Spinacea oleracea,) radishes (Raphanus sativus,) and most of all, our beautiful perennial flowers to these unwelcome guest eaters. We have erected border fences but cannot afford to fully staff them. Letters to State Representative F. James Sennsenbrenner and President Bush have been sent, requesting the help of National Guard troops in protecting our borders.


Welcome, I'm in the yard on the left

Welcome to the yard on the left. A place to comtemplate, relax, and rant about the right.
Foreground Sand Cherry(Prunus x cistena,) background Flowering Crab(Malus x zumi var calocarpa.)