Welcome to the yard on the left. A place to contemplate, relax, and rant on the right.


"Stay the course!"

Back in July, the garden was going great guns, headed for a great bloom. "Stay the course!" and keep these plants blooming and producing forever.
Then the daylight hours began to shrink, the temperature drop, and alas, the plants died.
"'Stay the course' means keep doing what you're doing. My attitude is, don't do what you're doing if it's not working: change." (10/25/2006 - President George W. Bush)

"Stay the course?" No, we're going to turn everything under and "cut and run" into the warmth and security of our house until next spring when we'll try again. If I were John Kerry (or any Democrat for that matter) you'd call this a 'flip-flop' and have some 'Swift-garden rototillers for truth' lining up to smear my good name and reputation.
Our date with destiny is coming November 7, 2006.

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