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The phone goes VoIP

No more land-line for the LipsYard household, We've gone digital phone, or VoIP. That stands for Voice over internet protocol, a real-time communications system that converts voice into digital packets containing media and signaling data that travel over networks using Internet Protocol. We get to keep our same phone number, but now our calls go out over the same cable that brings us TV and high speed internet access.

This modem does dual duty, providing broadband access to the internet, and digital phone.

This is our distribution panel to the different phone outlets in the house.

And this is the brains of our new phone system. VoIP gives up Caller ID for free, so I went out and got a set of 4 phones that are Caller ID capable. Because the phone and cable TV come from the same company, Caller ID even shows up on the TV screen! We also get free long distance.

I also thought that since our calls were now converted to packets of data, that we would be immune from warrantless wiretaps by the government (not that we have anything to hide, but as Ben Franklin said; "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Alas, Cheney wins again, as VoIP providers have to comply with the FBI just like other phone companies in providing access.

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