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First Blooms of Spring

The Flower Market at Quai de la Corse along the River Senne in Paris inspired us to bring some color to our own drab LipsYard...

...so we picked up some Pansies (Viola wittrockiana) at Hawks and Charmaine planted them in the flower box by the front door.

Voila! Instant blooms and color.

Popping up almost as brilliantly these days are protests against the Olympic Torch Run in support of the people of Tibet. This is a shot of a man carrying the Tibetan Flag being 'helped' off the streets in London.

Activists climbed the Eiffel tower and unfurled a flag with the five Olympic rings depicted as handcuffs.

And today in San Fransisco, this banner was hung on the Golden Gate Bridge.

Of course our fine President isn't paying any attention to that, he's going to Bejing just for the 'Sport.'

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