Welcome to the yard on the left. A place to contemplate, relax, and rant on the right.


Reigning in the Raspberries

It's time for the annual chore of raising the support fencing 'round the raspberries (Rubus strigosus.)

Job 1 is placing six 5' stakes around the perimeter of the patch, then placing two 7' stakes in the center of the patch.

Vinyl clothesline is strung round the outside at two levels to contain the long canes which will bear fruit later in the summer. The tall stakes will eventually act as tentpoles for cotton sheets to protect the fruit and plants from frost in the fall.

Here's a "fast forward to the past" shot of what we can expect in a few weeks.


Raspberries of the Bronx Cheer variety to the Bush Administration.

Last Wednesday, President George W. Bush made an announcement about energy and called upon Congress to pass legislation lifting a ban on offshore oil drilling.

"With gasoline now over $4 a gallon, Congress needs to pass legislation lifting the congressional ban on safe, environmentally friendly offshore oil drilling."

Differences over energy policy has led to a political spat between Republicans and Democrats and emerged as a key issue in the presidential campaigns ahead of the November election.
Republicans have called for ending a ban on offshore drilling that has been in place since 1981, but Democrats have repeatedly rebuffed such attempts on environmental concerns.

In the race for the White House, Republican candidate John McCain supports ending the ban on offshore oil exploration and Democratic candidate Barack Obama opposes it.

What all the pundits on the Conservative Right fail to reveal about the "Drill Here, Drill Now" plan, is that we wouldn't see any new oil for 10, and possibly up to 20 years. Furthermore, it wouldn't reduce the price of oil, or gasolene. Why would the oil companies sell us the stuff any cheaper than the going price on the world market? Because they "love America?" Ha Ha Ha Ha!

What we need to do is get our energy sector to put all it's efforts into alternative fuels and get the oil monkey off our back. That doesn't sit too well with "W's" oil barron cronies, so don't hold your breath.

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