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Corndog knowledge from long ago

We're live at the Waukesha County Fair for the weekend, and just down the way from our KTI Street Studio is Squire's Dog Haus.

33 years ago, I worked in the Dog Haus on the summer fair circuit with my friend John Squire.

John was a year or two ahead of me at Burlington High School, and I needed a gig for the summer.

Corn Dogs are hot dogs, on a stick, dipped in secret cornmeal batter, then deep fried to a dark brown. We also served 26 flavors of snow cones.
I have no idea how many dogs were made that summer, but I know I haven't had one since.

Aside from learning the fine art of Corn Dog making, that summer I also learned the secret to making out on the Rock-O-Planes: You and your sweety have to be first in line, so that you had plenty of time for the fun stuff while they loaded the other cars, before the ride started spinning for real. After the ride was over, you hoped to be last unloaded for a little more fun.

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