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A Crowning Achievement

7 weeks ago the filling in my back molor (the #2 molor because they count from the front, which makes your wisdom teeth #3,) cracked, and a part of the tooth actually chipped off. That's the tooth chip between dental instruments.

My dentist for 25 years, Dr. Barry Baumann, temporarily fixed the problem with a small bit of amalgam (usually used for fillings,) and we scheduled an appointment for a month later for the fitting of a crown.

In a nutshell, a crown IS a nutshell that fits over a damaged tooth. Normally made out of porcelain enamel, or metal, or a combination of both, a crown becomes the tooth's new outer surface.

After the grinding down of the outer surface of the tooth, impressions are made of the stump, and a dental technician crafts the crown.

If you really want to know more, go HERE.

Two weeks later, and voila! A new molor.

In the Bush Administration, new Attorney General, Michael Mukasey, is a 'crown' for the broken policy of civil rights, from the imprisonment of enemy combatants and torture, to the refusal to release documents, or persue contempt charges agains staffers ordered not to testify under cover of Executive Priveledge.

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