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Green Thursday: The Power of Poop

With this being an election year, there's lots of "stuff" being flung by the candidates (and the media.) Wouldn't it be great if something could really be "done" with all of it?
The city of San Antonio announced a deal that will make it the first U.S. city to harvest methane gas from human waste on a commercial scale and turn it into clean-burning fuel. San Antonio residents produce about 140,000 tons a year of a substance gently referred to as "biosolids,"
(that's poop, to you and me).

Methane gas, which is a byproduct of human and organic waste, is a principal component of the natural gas used to fuel furnaces, power plants, and other combustion-based generators.

A private vendor will come onto the facility, construct some gas cleaning systems, remove the moisture, remove the carbon dioxide content, and then sell that gas on the open market.

Some communities are using methane gas harvested from solid waste to power smaller facilities like sewage treatment plants, but San Antonio is the first to see large-scale conversion of methane gas from sewage into fuel for power generation, he said.

Following the agreement, more than 90 percent of materials flushed down the toilets and sinks of San Antonio will be recycled. Liquid is now used for irrigation, many of the solids are made into compost, and now the methane gas will be recycled for power generation.

Think how much Rush, Sean, Mark, Charlie and all the rest could help the greening of the planet with their "methane" contributions!

Every Green Thursday we post information vital to the survival of earth.

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