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Sedum and Weep

All week we're featuring the planting bed on the East side of the LipsYard driveway. Today it's the Border Stonecrop (Sedum.) These have thick stems, fleshy leaves and tight flower heads that start out looking like heads of broccoli.
Flowers run in shades of pink to mauve, that start out pale and deepen as they mature.

These will continue to provide color and character all the way through their dried stage into winter.

Sarah Palin is a flower that keeps on giving, too. Mostly lies and deception. Today let's look at that expensive Jet owned by the State of Alaska that she saw as an extravagance, and put on e-Bay.

When "Hockey Mom" Sarah Palin sought to illustrate her frugality and flair to delegates at the GOP convention, she described how she disposed of a corporate jet acquired by her unpopular predecessor.

"That luxury jet was over the top," Palin said to loud cheers. "I put it on eBay."

What she failed to say was that the plane didn't sell on eBay. Instead, the 23-year-old 10-seat Westwind II was sold in August 2007 for $2.1 million to a Valdez, Alaska, entrepreneur; that's about $300,000 less than a broker's asking price.

Also, while Palin characterized the plane as an extravagance of former Gov. Frank Murkowski, who arranged for its purchase in November 2005, the plane saw heavy use transporting Alaskan convicts.

Alaska does not have adequate prison capacity and contracts for space with a private facility near Phoenix, Arizona. (Isn't that John McCain's home state?)

When Alaska first began using the plane in November 2005, prisoner transport accounted for 58 percent of the jet's use, and Murkowski's office used it 23 percent of the time.

Not to be left off the "Truthiness" express, McCain introduced Palin at their Cedarburg, WI appearance like this. "She took the luxury jet that was acquired by her predecessor and sold it on eBay -- and made a profit!"

I'm sure the media will ask Sarah Palin about this, and lots of other things, once the McCain machine decides it's OK to talk to her at all.

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