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The Cost of Divorce

The numbers are out on what Britney Spears will pay to Kevin Federline in their divorce settlement.

A 2004 pre-nup called for K-Fed to get $250,000 for each year of their marriage, but Spears upped that figure to $500,000 to speed up the negotiations.

He receives half the proceeds from their Malibu mansion, which is on the market for $13.5 million.

$25,000 a month in child support for each of the couple’s two children until they reach 18. (How can you SPEND that much on child support?)

He also gets custody of the boys four days a week.

Federline gets to keep all the gifts Spears bought them during their marriage.

He’s forbidden from writing a tell-all about their marriage.

Total cost: $13.5 million

Back in 1987 my divorce cost me:

A sofa

A sofa table

Dining room table and chairs

A TV and VCR

(Luckily her apartment building wouldn't allow waterbeds, or I'd have lost that, too.)
Total cost: $4,000 But unlike Brit, who'll just write a check, I didn't have that kind of money, so I made it up by doing two years worth of commercials and store appearances for the replacement stuff.

Life lesson learned: You make your mistake, you pay the price, you move on. Good luck kids.

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Speedcat Hollydale said...
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