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Green Thursday: Butt heads

We've all stepped over piles of them in parking lots, yesterday, a guy on I-43 flicked his out the window and hit my car. Kids on their way to high school toss theirs on my lawn. Could you all keep your butts to yourself, please?

This guy in Canada took things into his own hands, literally...

Globally, approximately 4.3 trillion cigarette butts are littered every year. Smokers in the USA account for over 250 billion cigarette butts. In most Western countries cigarette butts account for around 50% of all litter.

Almost 1 in 3 cigarette butts end up as litter

It can take up to 12 years for a cigarette butt to break down

I've seen them on beaches all around the world. Gross. Cigarette butts can leach chemicals such as cadmium, lead and arsenic into the marine environment within an hour of contact with water. Cigarette butts have been found in the stomachs of fish, whales, birds and other marine animals which leads to ingestion of hazardous chemicals and digestive blockages

Only smokers can stop cigarette butt litter.
Every Green Thursday, LipsYard will deal with an issue vital to our global environment.

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