Welcome to the yard on the left. A place to contemplate, relax, and rant on the right.


Frost! A drop spreader's best friend.

Woke up this morning to find a fine, frozen mist on the LipsYard lawn.

Time to slip into the waterproof garden shoes...

and hoist the Drop Spread off the wall and get the pre-emergent on.

Checking the bag, as higlighted in last Green Thursday's LipsYard Blog, there were two Scotts spreaders listed with different settings numbers for each. Our spreader didn't have any name markings on it, so I made the executive decision to choose 7.0.

Changing the number changes the size of the holes in the bottom of the spreader, which determines how much material drops through to the ground.

Here's the spreader loaded for bear.

You can see the lines in the LipsYard lawn from the spreader wheels, making in easy to see where you've been to avoid missing spots. These turn up in a couple of weeks a lot yellower than the rest, causing much embarassment.

Hopefully, missing e-mails in the US Attorneys scandal will serve the same purpose as guides for Congressional investigators, showing the path that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales/Karl Rove/Harriet Miers took in the firings.

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