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Green Thursday: Bug Off

All that rain a while back has really driven up the number of mosquitoes (Diptera Culicidae) in the LipsYard. Not only are they obnoxious when trying to work in the garden picking raspberries and such, but also dangerous, with the threat of West Nile Virus.
We've always looked for repellents that contain DEET, but that can irritate eyes and can cause blisters and rashes on some users. Fortunately, you no longer need to rely on chemical repellants, since natural, plant-based oils work just as well.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found repellants containing oil of lemon eucalyptus, such as Repel are as effective as low-dosage DEET products.
Bite Blocker a soybean, coconut and geranium-oil concoction is another option, and quite a few outdoor magazines have given high marks to BugBands, rubber bracelets treated with geraniol, an essential oil derived from a variety of plants including roses, lemons and carrots. The bracelets can be worn on wrists or ankles and used for up to 120 hours ($4.95 each.)
Way Out Wax's Garden Peace collection, which uses hemp, citronella, lavender and geranium oils to repel mosquitos with 100% soy wax candles in garden-party-suitable 2-lb. tubs ($20) and water-based sprays ($6.)
Hawkmoon Soaps Bug Off Lotion is natural ,DEET free and smells great!
Another option would be the mosquito predator: put up a Purple Martin (Progne subis) house, or even a Bat House (just so they don't take up residence in your attic!)
Buzz-Off Clothing has Permethrin, a man-made form of a natural insect repellent found in the Chrysanthemum bonded into the fabric.
Every Green Thursday, LipsYard will deal with an issue vital to our global environment.

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