Welcome to the yard on the left. A place to contemplate, relax, and rant on the right.


Oh What A Beautiful Morning (Glory)

The vines have been growing for most of the summer, finally we see some color from the Morning Glory (Ipomoea tricolor.) This one is called 'Heavenly Blue.'

The Morning Glory flowers open the widest in the morning, and are a perfect way to greet the day. Its seeds are the source of a hallucinogen with LSD-like properties (so I read on the internet, but never tried,) mostly used in Central and Southern Mexico.

Morning Glory was also the title of a 1933 movie starring Katharine Hepburn and Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. She won the best actress oscar for her roll:

Eva Lovelace, would-be actress trying to crash the New York stage, is a wildly optimistic chatterbox full of theatrical mannerisms. Her looks, more than her talent, attract the interest of a paternal actor, a philandering producer, and an earnest playwright. Is she destined for stardom or the "casting couch"? Will she fade after the brief blooming of a "morning glory"?

Also making his annual fall appearance at the United Nations, America's Morning Glory, President George W. Bush.

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