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The Molt is on

What is it with the LipsYard neighbors and bugs? Penny found these cicada (Auchenorrhyncha Cicadoidea) carcassas on her Red Maple tree. They've been waiting underground for 13 or even 17 years to climb up the trunk, molt, and find a shady leaf to make their noise on.

The empty shells kind of remind me all the folks who've bailed on the Bush White House lately.

Click HERE to see a cicada emerging from one of these.

There's even more movies and sounds of cicadas HERE.

This female, after a little bug bliss, is depositing eggs in the stem. When they hatch, they'll drop to the ground, and stay there for another 13 or 17 years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bug People! So refreshing!
Just FYI, some cicadas are in fact "annual": they only hang out underground sampling those tasty roots for a year before emerging and doing this dance.