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Have you raked YOUR roof?

We've had a lot of snow already this winter. Kinda reminds me of 2000 when we were moving into our remodeled house with 21 inches of snow on the ground. That was the year we bought our aluminum roof rake at Ace Hardware.

It's very lightweight, and has a blade on one end, with rollers to protect shingles, and several sections of tubing that 'click' together to make a long handle. Conditions over the last couple of weeks have been ideal for ice damming.

Like this! A heavy buildup of snow and sunny days that hover around freezing lead to lots of melting and re-freezing. At their worse, ice dams creep up under the shingles, damaging the roof. Raking off the snow removes a major part of the problem.

Here's a website that offers some tips on roof raking if you can find one! All it took was one article in the paper to cause a run on the hardware stores. I'm considering renting mine out on an hourly basis in the LipsYard neighborhood.

Scraping away the extra snow to get to the problem of ice buildup is just like all the peeling back of secrecy in the Bush Administration, until the dark underbelly of what's impinging on our civil liberties and freedoms is exposed, and after November, will be flushed away with a fresh breath of democracy!

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