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Leap with me now!

It only happens once every four years, unless it's a century, but not if it's divisible by 4 (don't get me started on the complexities of calendar science.)
2008 gets an extra day, February 29th, as a correction of the calendar to line up with the earth's rotation around the sun. It's a Leap Year.

It's a very special Leap Year at that. My friend Barb Haig writes:

Only in a LEAP YEAR and only on LEAP DAY can there be a fifth Friday in February! The last time there were five Fridays in February was in 1980 and the next time it will occur is in 28 years or in 2036. Even more rare is having Easter fall early enough to make them ALL a fish fry Friday. The next time this will happen is in the year 2160 or 152 years from now!!!

Come celebrate these quirky facts by picking up a carry-out fish fry this Friday, between 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. at the St Sebastian School Cafeteria, on Hawley Road and Washington Boulevard on Milwaukee’s west side.

I also heard about an interesting movement that wants us to change our calendars to 13 months of 28 days each, with an extra day each year for New Years Day, and another extra day every 4 years to cover the Leap phenomenon. It gives me a headache to think about it, but if you're daring, why not give it a try HERE.

The biggest upside of a 13 month calendar, is that each month has 4 weeks, and the dates and days of the week are always the same i.e. the 1st of the month is always a Sunday.

Perhaps President Obama will be able to bring this issue to the world stage.

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