Welcome to the yard on the left. A place to contemplate, relax, and rant on the right.


Newspaper carrier update: 1 month on

Every morning for the last month I've hesitantly padded up to the front door, said a little prayer, opened it, and as if heaven had heard; there it is, the paper, in the box by the porch.

This may not seem like a big deal, but up until a month ago, I used to retrieve the morning rag from the base of the driveway. All I had to do was appeal to the business sense of the delivery person, promising her $5 a month for putting the prize in the ugly green box by the front door. My neighbor, Jim, saw me in my jammies the other morning reaching for the paper, "Is it still working?" he shouted. "Yes!" I yelled back. "Incredible" came the volly as he picked up his paper from the street. I can't believe he's not on the 'ugly green box by your house' bandwagon.

On these mornings where we've had a dusting of snow, the moment of delivery is captured with her footsteps. Miracles do happen...

... at least that's what Mike Huckabee keeps telling everyone. On the issue of the newspaper being in the box every morning, I can agree with the candidate. On everything else he's espousing, I must respectfully pass.

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