Welcome to the yard on the left. A place to contemplate, relax, and rant on the right.


Roof-rakin' Again

Our snow-drifted LipsYard house was so adorable after the big storm...

...it kinda looked like the houses the Smurfs lived in.

But when Mr. Icicle appeared in the front window, it was time for action.

I'm roof-raking again, and this stuff is deep and heavy.

Hey, who piled all that snow on the ground? Time to wheel out the snowblower.

No more Smurf house for us, and...

...no more roof raking until I get to the hardware store to replace the broken bolts. That was some heavy snow.

Blinded by the heavy snows of an election year, Congress can't spend our money fast enough. Both the House and Senate have approved a $150 billion economic stimulus package that pays us $600 a piece. The idea is to spend it, and stimulate economic growth. A new survey shows that we're not exactly going to follow the plan. $600 dollars per person, another $300 per kid. A new survey asked Americans what they would do with their tax rebate money:

  • 43 percent said they would pay off debt
  • 26 percent said they would put it into savings
  • 24 percent said they would spend it
Not the stumulation they expected. No worries, just pile it on the skyrocketing National Debt, on top of the Iraq pile.

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