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Are you READY for the CRASH?

It's going to happen, and you never know when. 6% of all PCs will suffer an episode of data loss in any given year.

It could be a home disaster
or some pirated software from a "friend"

Maybe a fire. After the shock wears off, how will you get your personal computer data back? Tax records, all the digital photos, documents, spreadsheets, powerpoints could all be lost.

Charmaine came home from a trip to the bank safe deposit box last week and told me; "Our last computer backup CDs say 2006." I hate backing up the box. It takes a long time, then because we have so much data, it has to be spread over several disks, which means messing with WinZip, then making a trip to the bank. I'm not even sure if we did have a catastophe that I could wrangle all the data off those disks.

My brother put me on to Mozy, an online service that automatically keeps a backup of your computer. I get unlimited storage for just $5 a month! (I'm not getting paid to endorse this product) If you have less than 2 gigs of stuff, they don't charge you at all. My backup is 3.9 gigs. Who knew I had that much stuff!

Both political parties lost a backup candidate today. John Edwards and Rudy Guliani hung up their ambitions to be President. Rudy was the darling of right-wing talk radio. It'll be interesting to see who they throw their support to now. It doesn't quite seem fair that unless your state is early in the primary process, you don't get a real choice.

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