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Green Thursday: World Water Day

Will you have your 8 glasses of water today, you ARE drinking that much water, aren't you?

Some aren't so lucky. Water scarcity already affects every continent and more than 40 percent of the people on our planet. The situation is being made worse by population growth, urbanization and the increases in domestic and industrial water use by people who live in more
developed areas.
As we take showers, wash our cars, and frolic in waterparks, consider that by 2025, more than 2.8 billion people worldwide will be living in water-stressed countries or regions.
In much of the world, the issue is not so much a lack of water, as gaining access to it. In many cases, it is a question of funding shortages, poor management and governance, unfair distribution and pricing of water, and the lack of political will to change the way in which we use and share water.
What can You do? Actively support governments, non-governmental organizations, private foundations and companies which make it a priority to conserve, recycle and protect water
resources, and deliver affordable water to people at every level of the community. Do your part to use water more efficiently, reduce pollution and protect the environment. Support funding initiatives that help to make these objectives possible. Everyone needs water and everyone needs to take responsibility.
The international observance of World Water Day grew out of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. Click HERE to learn more.

Every Green Thursday, LipsYard will deal with an issue vital to our global environment.

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