Welcome to the yard on the left. A place to contemplate, relax, and rant on the right.


Spring Cleanup

Sunday was a beautiful day in the mid-40's.Time to bust out the bamboo lawn rake and have at the Winter snow mold and plowing-tossed debris on the front yard.
My arms and shoulders are going to be sore tomorrow!
Ta-Da! Front LipsYard done. (back LipsYard still has snow piles in the shade)
Debris put in the compost bin in the LipsYard garden. Now that the long Republican Congressional Winter is over, there's a little cleaning up going on in Washington.
Congressional Hearings are popping up all over. Iraq, Veterans' Hospitals, that pesky Dick Cheney CIA leak...
The Fired Federal Prosecutors (Karl Rove, it's hammer time) the Federal Communications Commission, heck, we're ready to have a hearing for just about everybody. It's about time.

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