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Green Thursday: Save the Bees, get off your phone

There's a disturbing trend sweeping the world; disappearing bees. That could spell catastrophe for farmers who depend on bees to pollinate their crops. It'll also affect the honey crop, and ultimately raise the price of our food.

So where have the bees gone? One German scientist is claiming that cell phones have disoriented worker bees, who leave the hive to forage, but fail to return, leaving only the queen and some juveniles. This scientist claims that in a study, bees wouldn't come back to a hive with an active cell phone in it. (Maybe they didn't like the ring tone?)

Colony collapse disorder, that's what they call the bee problem, started turning up last fall, and has been spreading across the US and Europe, but its not a new phenomenon. Apparently it is cyclical, coming around every 15 or 20 years. No one knows why.

So is the cell phone to blame? Maybe, but phones have been around for a long time, and only now the problem is turning up? On the bright side, if it turns out to be true, it could be a way to keep bees away from picnics.
Every Green Thursday, LipsYard will deal with an issue vital to our global environment.

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