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Green Thursday: Turn your car into a Homemade Hybrid

Can't afford to trade in your gas guzzler for a fuel-effecient hybrid? Transform whatever you're driving right now into a homemade hybrid. All you need to do is turn the engine off when you're not using it to go.

Stoplights, drive-up banking, waiting for food at Culvers. A hybrid car automatically turns off the engine whenever the car is not moving. Your homemake hybrid just needs your brain to do the same thing.
The conservative squakers counter that you'll use more gas to start it back up than you save, plus ruin the starter motor. Truth is, years ago, when cars were built with carburetors, this was a valid point, but now cars are all powered by fuel injection engines, which start up very easy. So how much gas does it really take to start your car? 10 seconds worth. If you're going to be idling for more than ten seconds, you'll save gas by turning off the ignition.

How much gas? How does 30 miles per tank sound? I get around 25 mpg on my ride, so that's over $3 a fill-up in savings. By turning off the engine, you'll also reduce harmful emmisions, slowing down the global warming thing. Even if you're still in the "I don't believe in Global Warming" camp (and your numbers are shrinking faster than the glaciers,) the money saved should still entice you.

Every Green Thursday, LipsYard will deal with an issue vital to our global environment.

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