Welcome to the yard on the left. A place to contemplate, relax, and rant on the right.


A Chill in the Air

Global Warming has finally given way to frost in the LipsYard.

This Carefree Beauty shrub rose (Rosa 'BUCbi') lowers it's blooms in deference to the cold.

Our frost is like the chill that has come over the Capitol Hill hearings for Attorney General candidate Michael Mukasey. He was all on board the open, honest, non-political track until Uncle Dick and the neo-con gang at the White House had a chat with him. Now his opinions on whether 'waterboarding' is torture (duh!) are a matter of national security. Unfortunately, the Democrats will cave in on this issue and ultimately approve him for the post. On the bright side, he'd have to work pretty hard in the wrong direction to be as bad as our last AG.

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