Welcome to the yard on the left. A place to contemplate, relax, and rant on the right.


Shrubs on Fire

Goldmound (Spiraea) on 'fire' in the LipsYard. That wacky purply Kale (Brassica oleracea) is looking good, too.
We have Spiraea in several beds around the house, providing green color and blooms all spring and summer, and beautiful color in the fall.

The beautiful colors take some of the edge off the latest numbers out on the real cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, estimated to total $1.6 trillion -- roughly double the amount the White House has requested thus far, according to a new report by Democrats on Congress' Joint Economic Committee.The report, released yesterday, attempted to put a price tag on the two conflicts, including "hidden" costs such as interest payments on the money borrowed to pay for the wars, lost investment, the expense of long-term health care for injured veterans and the cost of oil market disruptions.The $1.6 trillion figure, for the period from 2002 to 2008, translates into a cost of $20,900 for a family of four.

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