Welcome to the yard on the left. A place to contemplate, relax, and rant on the right.


We're silly with berries

Most of the leaves are off the trees, but we've still got berries everywhere for the birds to eat. These little guys belong to the Euonymus we have growing in the beds off the back patios.

Out in the front LipsYard, the Hawthorne (Craetagus phaenopyrum) is having one of it's first bearing years.

And out back, the Snowdrift Crabapple (Malus Snowdrift) still has fruit available.

On the flipside of the fruit available coin, are the opportunities for the Bush administration to salvage any kind of positive legacy for his 8 years in office, so he's had Condi put together a big Mid-East conference to try to get peace to break out between Israel and Palestine. "I'm optimistic" says our president. Good Luck with that.

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